Here is a small update on the commission I am working on. Thing are starting to wrap up for this project.
... Mitch
... Mitch
... Mitch
..... Mitch
A good portion of everything is airbrushed light grey, with a codex grey on spots for the basecoat. Tanks are basecoated Grey or Green. Only 1 squad is completely painted (blue and grey urban camo) Most models are based using GW's rubble basing kit.
1x new codex
4x commisar, gaunt, powerfist, 2x powersword, new sculpts
1x converted gunny harker, cadian style
1x iron hand straken converted, cadian style
1x extra regimental banner
5 man command sq metal, regimental banner, medic, casualty, plasmagun, plasmagun,
5 man plastic company command squad, Master of Ord, 2 body guards, meltagun, meltagun, meltagun,
1x platoon commander chenkov
6x mortar teams
6x autocannon teams
2x Multilaser Sentinal
2x Autocannon sentinal
2x chimera, multilaser turret w/ hull flamer, stubber,
1x scratchbuilt chimera, multilaser turret w/ hull flamer, stubber,
2x hellhound, hull heavy bolter, dozer blade,
1x plastic platoon command, 4 grenade launchers,
1x plastic platoon command, 4x flamers, platoon banner
5x 10man squad, bolt pistol/ccw sarg, heavybolter team, flamer infantry
5x 10man squad, bolt pistol/ccw sarg, lascannon team, grenade launcher
1x 10man harden veterans, 3 grenadelauncher, Forge world resperator upgrade with backpacks
1x 10man harden veterans, 3 flamer, Forge world resperator upgrade with backpacks
1x 10man harden veteranss, carapace armor, 2 plasmaguns, shotguns
1x 10man harden veteranss, carapace armor, 3 meltaguns (kasrkins)
2x leman russ battle tanks, heavy bolter sponsons, hull heavy bolter
2x basalisk, hull heavy bolter,
1x kitbash sabre defence gun armed with 4 stubbers,
+ bits to make 10-20 or so more cadians, or 3-6 heavy weapon teams if your creative
I can be email at