Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blood Ravens!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
And the Winner is...
1) 1970 Porshe 914/6
2) 1993 Ford SVT Cobra R
3) 2007 Peugeot 207 Super 2000
Silar and Ca$h both have 2 correct answers each, and were assigned the numbers 1,2 and 3,4, respectively. Using I got the number 2 and 3 in that order so Silar gets first choice. If you both can email me at to arrange local pickup
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Apothecary WIP
The green accents are snot green + chaos black at about a 90/10 mix. The white is from Reaper and its there pure white. I think it is more pure then GW's white. Some shining Gold there and Brazen Brass. Blues are P3 from the Cygnar set, and the reds are from reapers red triad.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Review and a Draw!
I know most of my blog is is about miniatures but I have to diverge today! A great game I have been playing in the last two months if Forza 3. Its an xbox 360 title, and its aim at the car enthusiast. You basically play through the career of a driver as you participate in different events.

They added damage models which are pretty good, and the ability to tune you car is fantastic! If anyone plats FM3 and needs a tune, search gahris909 for my storefront which has almost 54 tunes in it!
I really do recommend this game to anyone with an xbox 360. 5 out of 5!
PS - Anyone who can name any of the cars pictured correctly gets entered into a draw for a set of Resin Bases from Iron Halo. Each correct guess nets one ticket. You have to guess the make, model and year of production (within 3 years). There will be two prizes to be given out in total. Draw will take place December 24th, at around noon EST.
... Mitch
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Grand Reopening and Review!
Yeah, it has been awhile!
I haven't been able to commit to anything Warhammer since August due to personal commitments, a few commissions and other time consuming projects!
Time for a review!
Today I will be reviewing Iron Halo bases which can be found at More specifically I will be reviewing "The Fens" and "Scorched Earth".
The Fens
These bases will replicate shoreline, swamp and other wetland style areas very well. The material used looks like a medium density resin, with a yellowish color. Very little to no cleanup was needed to prep for priming. I used a Tamiya grey primer, which stuck very well. Detail is great and you can see all the bubbles and churning surface easily. I tried turning these bases into looking like a magma field, which I think worked very well. In a later review I will show a completed squad on the bases!
Scorched Earth
Next up is there Scorched Earth line of bases. They give the impression of an ash waste and are nice and smooth. Again detail was spot on. No clean up was needed beside a warm water bath with hand soap! Tamiya primer was used for this base set, and took the primer well. These I am doing up a grey and dark red ash waste look.
In the end I would rate Iron Halo resin products a 5 out of 5! High quality molds, Ease of use, Good prices and fast shipping! All great things that everyone wants. They can be found at
Other product reviews will be going live at about 1 per week so stay tuned! There will be resin terrain, bases and miniatures coming up so watch this space!