What we have today is a Grendel Sci-Fi APC that I am currently working on. Onto the good bits!
The Review
The tank is made from solid resin, which feels heavy and more solid then ForgeWorld stuff. The vehicle has a pretty high weight to it, and assembly was very simple. It was tracks, body and turret for a total of four parts.
I used two-part epoxy resin to glue this bad boy together since it had huge contact areas, and I wanted it to be solid, and use it as a gaming piece. The APC is a little smaller then a Rhino and matches 40k Scale pretty good and does not seem grossly undersized.
It has a cost of around $10 Canadian, and I use the word value! It really is caste very well and has sharp detail and low bubble count! So in the end, I highly recommend getting this vehicle if you are looking for something to fill the lines with a great price! $10, value indeed!
If you want to purchase this tank, it can be found
The How-to
The first thing I did was clean the model with pink hand soap. It works really well, and I have gallons of it at work. I trimmed some flash around the tracks, and sanded the bottom of the turret so it would be more flush with the vehicle. As said before, i used a two-part epoxy resin to attach the part together.
The gun mounted on the turret the tank came with was a metal chaingun, similar to the bow gun. Since I will be using this tank in my Imperial Guard Catachan Mercenary force, I wanted to assemble it as a Leman Russ Exterminator. What I did was use some plastic hollow tubes I had left over. I trimmed them to make the cannon appear to have a thermal sleeve near the end of the gun, and armored mount including the first section of the barrel being armored as well. I designed the barrel, to look as if it would recoil into the tank as it fires, and being a smooth bore recoiling design, I didn't want a muzzle break.
On the turret near the cannon mount, there is a small heat extractor to keep the fumes under control during long bursts from the twin autocannons! I am certain this vehicle will be the bane of lightly armored vehicles like Armor Personal Carriers, light vehicles and most skimmers!
I primed the tank using Tamiya Brush on Grey Primer. This stuff has a huge chemical smell, but really helps prevent paint chipping off resin and metal vehicles. Make sure to always use a disposable brush, since the solvent in the thinner damages natural hair brushes.
For paint I used
Reaper Coldstone Grey
Reaper Icy Grey
Reaper Clotted Red
Reaper White
GW Chaos Black
GW Blood Red
GW Boltgun Metal
GW Black Wash
My coworker is the one who designed the camo based on model kits he used to do as a kid. This is actually the first ever vehicle that he has painted, not counting 1:25 Scale Cars. He did a pretty good job for an urban scheme!
Weathering Effects - Will be shown in a few days when I complete it! Be warned tho, I will be using alott of Tamiya, Vallejo, and Mig products to make this tank look battle worn!
... Mitch